Bare Minerals, Step-By-Step.


Afternoon all, 

I've been meaning to blog for a while but I've been so busy with uni work lately and I also had a trip back to my home town of Washington (near Newcastle, not America guys!)

Anyway, I wanted to blog about my favourite makeup at the moment which is Bare Minerals. Bare Minerals is really good for people with extremely sensitive skin, like me, and holds great coverage for a long time. 

The only problem is its quite hard to gets to grips with, it took me a while to work it out. I've recommended it to a few friends in the past and they have said to me that it doesn't look the same as when the woman in the shop done it. You need to take time and do it properly for it to work, the more you do the faster you will get at doing it.

It has got wonderfully high coverage but only if you follow the guides given in the starter pack which can be quite confusing. So I have devised a 4 step guide of how to apply it.

My approach to this it a bit like a cookbook, first you need the ingredients (the starter kit): 

The Starter Pack Contains:
  •  Original coloured base powder (you get this matched with the BareMinerals consultants in store)
  • 'Warmth' (which is basically a natural coloured bronzer/blusher)
  •  Mineral Veil (using last over everything to help blend and look more natural)
and 3 brushes -
  •  large, to use with base powder and mineral veil.
  •  small, to use with base powder as it doubles as a concealer
  •  short bronze one, used with the 'warmth' 
(Note starter packs come in dark, medium & light)
Make sure before starting that you have all of your pots and brushes ready.
Before applying the mineral powder i would highly recommend using a primer, it makes for a more even looking skin tone, protects your skin and helps your makeup stay on longer. 

Step 1 - Base
Open the base powder
Lightly tip a small amount into the lid 
Then using the large brush gather it using a circular motion
Tapping off excess if needed (be sure to tap with the brush facing upwards)
Then apply it to your face again using a circular motion keep going Until you have the coverage you want.
Don't forget to blend!

Step 2 - Concealer
Using the same base powder but with the small brush
Apply to the parts of your skin that you wish to cover
It's best to apply a small amount of base again, using the large brush again, just so that it blends well.

Step 3 - Warmth
This is the small darker pot. Using this in the same way with the medium size brush
Tip a teeny about onto the lid and i'm not exaggerating when i say a teeny bit, it comes out quite dark!
Apply onto brush the same way and tap off any excess.
When applying to face follow the shape of the number 3(ish) around the eye, as shown in picture 4 (see my amazing skills on paint).
this shapes your face and gives your cheeks definition without looking too fake.
keep it light!

Step 4 - Mineral Veil 
Apply this last, using the same method of tipping onto the lip and applying to brush (use the large one for this)
using this all over your face will blend the concealer, warmth and base and make it more natural. 

So there you go, my quick step by step guide to BareMinerals :) 
More posts to come soon
hoping to do some nail designs :) 
bye x

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